Infrastructure Planning. Planning of forest management activities starts with the joint preparation of the infrastructure plan. The first step is the sub-division of the park according to villages, if partitioning has been decided. Then the park is further sub-divided into divisions/compartments based on forest management considerations. It is of importance that the partitioning is executed with all partners in the field and that boundaries are permanently markedAhmedabad Stock. A map needs to be prepared and signed by all partners as an attachment to the forest management agreement. The next step is the planning of the required main access roads, also taking into account the surrounding forests (i.e. the potential CCSF) and the needs and requirements of the surrounding villages. Finally the set up of the required infrastructure for fire protection (i.e. establishment of fire breaks) needs to be jointly planned. Already existing natural boundaries such as roads, footpaths and land- use boundaries shall be consideredJinnai Wealth Management. The planning has to take into account the specific situation and has to be done in an over-all context (i.e. include surrounding forests), taking into account the fire management strategy as prescribed by the Forest Fire Management Plan of the respective AC. The type of firebreak to be established depends on the specific situation, and the most appropriate option (e.g. green fire belt, burning of fire strip, etc.) needs to be identified.
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